I seem to be the worst blog-keeper currently in existence. I would promise to blog more, but after a quick update of my life, I think you will understand why that might not be altogether feasible.
Wednesday, January 5th, is a night that, I believe, will change my 2012 summer forever. I went to my Pampered Chef meeting and what did I find out? I found out that the top incentive trip for next year is a cruise to Europe. Spain, France, and Italy, to be exact. I have been working like a fiend trying to get it. I believe that I have called everyone I know and, at this moment, I have 6 potential recruits to the business. I have to have 12 by December 31, so I am right on track. Selling, however, is being a major booger. Shows are getting cancelled left and right because of the snow. No good at all. In the end, I need 130,000 points to go on the trip. Each qualified recruit is 2,000 points (qualified means that they have sold $1250 worth of merchandise) and each dollar that I sell is worth 1 point. I think I may need to start another countdown as well as my book/days countdown. What's a blog if you don't have at least 3 countdowns running simultaneously?
Which leads me seamlessly into my next long paragraph. Acting Out! has now officially been declared a not-for-profit theater and has also officially been given permission to purchase the rights to Joseph. If I'm right in my budget calculations, I will need to raise approximately $10,000 for the budget. I need to have it in the next three months. Thus, another countdown. Three countdowns! Bwahahahahaha! (shout out to the Count in Sesame Street)
And, lastly, I have been working on getting all my ducks in a row applying for grad school. I got the application in, have scheduled my GRE test, and am now working feverishly on my directing portfolio (which needs to be in by February 1st. Four countdowns! Bwahahahahahahaha!
So, without further ado, the countdowns (which will take me longer to figure out than it would probably take to get my portfolio done)
Books to read: 90
Day: 68
Points to Europe: 130,000
Days left: 335
Budget for Joseph: $10,000
Days left: 90
Days to complete portfolio and send in: 10
I think I'm having an asthma attack....
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