Monday, January 24, 2011


The book I'm reading right now is called "How to Run a Theatre." It sounds so simple, and yet, it's one of the most insightful and useful books I've ever read.
One of the things he tells you to sit down and do first of all, is make a list of priorities so that you'll know how to organize your to-do list well. Oddly enough, I am the list queen and I have never done this. So here we go.

1. My relationship with God (this has been suffering)
2. My family (also suffering, aside from Jordan. He probably sees me too much.)
3. My self (health, exercise, stress relief.... you guessed... this has been suffering)
4. Household (cleaning, budgeting...suffering... BAD)
5. The clinic job (I need to make sure that when I am at the clinic, I am AT THE CLINIC. Also, I have some computer classes I need to start taking and a questionaire I need to fill out)
6. Grad school (I need to finish up applying and start studying for my GRE. Also, start saving for next fall when I may not be bringing in much of an income)
7. Pampered Chef (This is one of the things I love to do, so much so that I'm afraid I've let my top priorities fall to the wayside. This is important, don't get me wrong, it will probably be my entire income after this summer, but I need to be more present in the things higher up on my list)
8.Acting Out! (The only reason that this should be my last priority is because there's not a whole lot to be done in this moment. Fundraising letters have been sent, rights applied for... there are just small things that need to be attended to)

The sad thing about my list of priorities is that numbers 5 through 8 should be equally important, but I've got to draw the lines somewhere. If I don't, I will go crazy.

So, in light of what is mentioned above, I vow to do the following today (numbers corresponding with priorities):
1. Spend quiet time with the Word and God for 1 hour
2. Call my mom
3. Jump on the Wiifit and go to bed by 10
4. Finish the laundry and clean out the dishwasher
5. Do 5 CBL's today for the clinic
6. Finish my portfolio (I'm almost done)
7. Read Monday Motivation and make a plan of action for my Travel Club "homework"
8. Continue reading "How to Run a Theatre"

I doubt I get it all done, but at least it's in the right order now. :)

Books to read: 90
Day: 71

Points to Europe: 130,000
Days left: 332

Budget for Joseph: $10,000
Days left: 87

Days to complete portfolio and send in: 7

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