Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Next Baby Wish-list

Because of the utter shock of my last pregnancy, I didn't do a lot of really awesome things that I wish I would have done. Therefore, since I love making lists, I will make a wish-list of things I want to do during my next pregnancy/childbirth/baby.

  1. Tell Jordan in a special way (a.k.a. not waiting for him to come up the stairs looking like someone died)
  2. Do a pregnancy shoot (no bare belly pictures, though. I don't like them)
  3. Send out pregnancy announcements.
  4. Take my vitamins/folic acids very regularly. Morning sickness or not.
  5. Use a midwife service
  6. Go on a shopping spree at Cotton Babies. I LOVE this store. I mean, seriously. I wish I would have went into it before I had Noah. It would have completely changed my life and the entire way I ran my pregnancy/birth/infant.
  7. Take birthing classes
  8. Invest in pretty maternity clothes. Even though they're expensive.
  9. Eat well and mindfully
  10. Buy a birthing gown
  11. Try for a drug-free birth
  12. At least ask to not be monitored throughout my entire labor
  13. Spend at least half a day with only me, Jordan, and the baby
  14. Only allow family and a few select people at the hospital. I loved knowing that so many people loved us and our child, but we had over/around 50 people visiting us those three days, and it was just too much for me.
  15. Take care of myself post-birth a little better. Get rest.
  16. Buy a moby wrap
  17. Work a little harder on breast feeding. This includes being a lot more assertive about telling people that they need to leave and/or give me privacy. I understand that nursing is nothing to be ashamed about, but I prefer for it to be private. 
  18. Cloth diaper
  19. Send real birth announcements
  20. In general be more assertive about what I want. Mostly during birth, but a little bit after too.


  1. I've been thinking about some of these things too! Maybe I should make a list sometime...and go to Cotton Babies sometime. :)

  2. For maternity clothes - with each pregnancy, I invested in a couple of nice pieces and of course, by baby #3, I had a nice little collection! Also, there's several nice re-sale shops in St. Louis that have nice maternity clothing. You'll pay 60% or more less than what you would at a regular store. When the time comes, send me a message and I can give you some recommendations.

    Oh, and I highly recommend restricting visitors. We had a ton with our first, and asked for only immediate family with the others. The difference was night and day. I felt like we got much more bonding time and I was able to relax a lot more.
