Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Coming back!

I have been doing a lot of soul searching especially in regards to this blog and I realized why the content has been a little lackluster. I have been so concerned about what my readers think that I have eventually lost all but probably two of them. Every time I make a goals post I think, "Here we go again. I bet people are tired of reading these." But you know what? I really need to stop caring so much. Because this blog, really, is for me. It keeps me accountable. It makes me aware of what I want to accomplish in life. Who cares if people get tired of it? I mean, I love my readers, don't get me wrong, but I want to better myself. And I want those two faithful readers to see how I do it without editing what I say or when or how I say it.

The past two weeks I have been working a lot on my house instead of blogging. As a result, my house is now completely clean (except for Jordan's office, but that's a whole other beast), my child is on a schedule, and my husband and I have taken (nearly) daily trips to the gym together. It's been a wonderful experience and also a much needed break from the unrealistic expectations I put on myself.

I will do a monthly goals update tomorrow because I have great news regarding certain yearly goals that I cannot wait to divulge. I will also do an update because I love to look back through this blog and see from where I've come and where I have to go.


  1. Girl, most of the time I tell people you are my little sister. And after a post like this, I truly believe it!

    I get so caught up in the "Oh, are people going to like this post?" or "This is dumb, no on will care." But then I realize that it is all about being myself and not caring what other's think. You got the right idea!

    Keep up the goal posts, keep reading your books, and keep plugging away at the running. Share your ups and your downs. I am not going anywhere :)

    1. You tell people that? That makes me so happy! Seriously!

      I will. I will keep on keeping on.

  2. Agree with Courtney. The things you say may be just exactly what someone needs to hear. Keep it honest. Keep it focused on God. You can't go wrong. Love ya, and I look forward to reading your posts. :)
