Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Maternity Leave: Day 2

I went ahead and started maternity leave early because of all the contractions this little bug is giving me. I hope he decides to come a little early so that I don't waste 3 weeks without him here.

As a result of said maternity leave, I have decided that what I would really like to do is to become a stay at home mom. Not really because it's a noble profession (even though it is) but more because I love getting up in the morning and working at the house and KNOWING that I do not have to work at another job later. I wish we could afford it.

The only thing that could possibly make this feeling go away is a great job in St. Louis that has to do with my degree. Because leaving the house to go to work doesn't really feel like work when you love what you're doing.

Also because of maternity leave, this has finally happened:

Still a couple odds and ends that need to be picked up

Snoopy Crib and changing table

Clothes and diapers all put away
It looks great and actually got me excited instead of causing me to be paralyzed with fear. This is a positive step, people.


  1. Yay. Way to go. I love this.

  2. Thanks! That means a lot coming from you. You are the decor queen!
