Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Bride

I am so digging this book, even if it is taking me much longer to read than it should.

The bare-bones of "Searching for God Knows What" is that the Christian faith was intended to be relational. Donald Miller analogizes this in many ways, but my favorite, for obvious reasons, is when he talks about the bride and the bridegroom.

I got married almost exactly 6 months ago, and so am still considered a newlywed. Probably rightly so. I'm just as (if not more so) enamored with my husband as I was when I fell for him.

Preparing for a wedding two hours away from where I was going to school was stressful and time consuming. My mom is a wedding planner, so this wedding was good press for her and she was doing it RIGHT! There was an entire book on etiquette that I attempted to wade through during the first month of our engagement, but promptly laid on a shelf because etiquette just makes me mad.

The morning of the wedding was pretty hectic, starting with the trip to Bella Chez for hair and makeup.

Then we traveled to the church, where I put on my dress.


And veil.

I mean, I did everything in my power to make sure I was the most stunning bride ever conceived by human hands. Because when I walked in that church, I was going to knock Jordan right off his feet. I mean, he was not even going to know what hit him. He was going to see me like he had never seen me before.

Except, you know... he looked at me just like he always did.

I know that sounds terribly unromantic, but hear me out. It's not that he was underwhelmed... it's that it didn't matter how much I cleaned myself up, he saw the same person coming down the aisle. He saw Kasey, the girl that he loved, that he asked to marry him when she was wearing a wig and was sweaty from just doing a show. And I think that is what redeeming love is like. It's when I go to Wal Mart in my pj's and people look and think, "She doesn't look like much, but there's got to be something there, because Jordan sure loves her."

I think that the picture of Jesus as the bridegroom is beautiful. I think it's what every Christian should try to accentuate in their faith. It's not by works that we are saved. It's grace alone.

Thanks, Donald Miller.

Day: 18
Books to read: 99


  1. thanks kasey. i needed to hear that. ps. i think you're gorgeous matter what. :)
