Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Monday" Goals and Updates

I fell behind yesterday on blogging. I was so busy. I have a lot of irons in the fire right now, and they all need tending to immediately.

1. Read 20 books this week

I read 5 books. But I finished the Bible. And I had 17 books of the Bible left to finish. I consider this goal completed. If the books in the Bible would have been short, I would have said I failed, but they were all at least 20 chapters long. I would say that I technically read 21 books, but maybe that's too much cheating. :)

2. Run every day

I ran 3 days. It rained all the other days and I have no treadmill.

3. Begin Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred

Done and done. I only did it for 4 days last week, but I can feel myself getting stronger. I love Jillian. She is just about the only trainer that could get this kind of work out of me with a video.

4. Drink 100 oz of water EVERY DAY

I knew that I could do this, but I can't. I can drink 100 oz of water at the beginning of the week, but the very next day I still feel like I'm swimming. I think that my body just doesn't need that much water. I'm going to stick to 6-8 glasses of water a day. I know I can do that. In fact, I did it every day last week. Even though I didn't accomplish this goal, I consider it a success because of the life change it is beginning in me.

5. Drop 3 pounds

I dropped one pound. That's ok. I technically went up to 154 on Monday (which is so weird) and then dropped down to 150 and basically have stayed there. I believe I will dip down below that in the next week or two.

New goals:

1. Read 20 books

Now that I'm done with the Bible, I'm sure that I can do this. I'm reading some young adult books from my childhood. They're about 130 pages long apiece, and take me about an hour and a half to read. I'm not ashamed to say they are incredibly simple and I still love them. It's fun to revisit my childhood while reading them. I'm sure I'll throw in a couple of other books too. I really just want to finish this yearly goal a little early. I would love to mark something off of my goals for this year to feel like I'm making headway.

2. Take cars to the shop

This has to be done this week. We have been driving our cars with the check engine light on for too long. Neither one of them are going to last until the end of the year.

3. Begin the envelope system

This is going to be hard for Jordan and I. We love our debit cards with an unholy passion, but we have got to start spending less money! Because I don't have a full time job, money is going to begin to get tight around here until I start having a regular income from the theater or get a few more private students.

4. Get my house in order

I'm starting to feel like I'm slacking on my resolution to keep my house clean. I haven't felt completely overwhelmed yet, but I will get there soon if I don't step up to the plate a little better.

5. Complete my iPhone to do list

It's pretty short compared to the last time I made this goal. Also, many of the items are very small. It's a lofty goal considering all of the other things I must get done this week that aren't on this list OR that list. But if I don't put it up here for the world to see, then I probably won't even try.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weight Loss!

So I went from 154 yesterday to 150 today. Can we say water weight? Can we also say awesome?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Goals-- No updates today

This was one of those weeks that I think I set my goals a little too high. I completed some of all of these goals, but I don't think I completely accomplished any of them. I loved trying to get my to do list on my phone done, though. I got A LOT of things done last week, so I'm not disappointed in myself in the least.

This week I think I will concentrate on two goals: Reading and Fitness

1. Read 20 books this week

I know, I couldn't even read 7 books last week, but that was also while completing about 7 large to do items on my iPhone. Seriously. I probably poured about 10-15 hours into that to do list. I will do this.

2. Run every day

I am still doing the couch to 5k plan, but the fact that I only have to do it 3 days per week just makes me lazy until Thursday when I realize that I have to do it that day. If I try to make myself run every single day, then I won't be able to put it off.

3. Begin Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred

I have loved Jillian ever since watching The Biggest Loser while I was on maternity leave. She is exactly the kind of person that I need pushing me. I don't want to miss a day with this- I want to be a strong person. Right now I have mom arms.

4. Drink 100 oz of water EVERY DAY

I know that I can do this, it's just a matter of wanting to do it every day. I'm bad about wanting flavor in everything I drink. I want to break the idea that food and drink are for enjoyment- I want to think about them being fuel instead.

5. Drop 3 pounds

If I can drop 3 pounds then I will be at 148. I want to be in the 140's so bad, and I know that a majority of my weight comes from soda and sugary drinks- which I probably won't drink as much because of the 100 oz of water. I also plan on eating a plant-centric diet this week (with some chicken and eggs thrown in for protein and to keep me from being crazy). I will have one cheat day that I have not yet decided upon. I might wait to see how this week goes and what day someone ends up wanting to take Jordan and I out or what day we just can't stand it anymore.

I like these goals because they are daily goals- I cannot put them off until Sunday when I want to look cool on my blog the next day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Baby Fever

I don't understand it, but I've totally got baby fever.

I have a few theories on this, the most prevalent of which happens to be that I did not enjoy my pregnancy at all. Somewhat because I was so totally uncomfortable, but also because I was so terrified of the unknown. I would like a go again.

I had all but squelched these feelings (because, come on, how crazy can I be?), until I came across some pregnancy photos.

Pregnant people are so cute! Albeit, uncomfortable.

I miss the feeling of a little person squirming around inside me. Sometimes I'll watch Noah and he'll do something and I'll remember what it felt like when he was doing that 3 months ago.

Is this some kind of hormonal thing? Because if not, I need some help here!

Nobody jump on this. I have applied for insurance that will make me wait at least 18 months before getting pregnant. Which is probably a good thing. Because my mommy clock is ticking.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Slow Start to the Day?

Compared to yesterday, I feel as though I have done nothing. Or at least mostly nothing. But I don't really think that that is true. Just because I am doing things that I enjoy doesn't make them less beneficial. I will have to get past the idea that when I enjoy something then it is simply recreation. That is not true at all.

Actually, as I look at my list of goals for this week, I'm realizing that I have done a few great things so far. When I got on the scale this morning I was at 151, so I only have 2 pounds to go to get me under 150! I had a Green Monster this morning and I am starting to burst with a different kind of energy than I'm used to feeling. I'm also drinking green tea to try to detox a little. I am eating popcorn, which isn't awesome, but I was craving a snack and at least I'm not eating ding dongs.
Green Monster and Piano Practicing

I've spent a lot of the day trying to get iCloud to work. I think I've finally got it, and now I'm downloading music that I bought on my iPhone and now need to get to one of my students. I was on my computer and enjoying it, so I suppose that I thought that I was wasting time, but then I realize: this isn't a hobby anymore! This is my lively hood. I practiced the piano too, which I also thoroughly enjoyed. God forbid I enjoy my work! This is a mentality that is hard for me to break, since I've never really enjoyed any work that I've done.

I finished a couple of pretty big items on my iPhone to do list yesterday and I suppose I'm just finding this to be a little too slow going for me. I haven't gotten to mark anything off and that's hard for me. I love to get through one thing after another really quickly and it just isn't going to happen anymore with a baby. But it's so worth it.
He says, "Hi"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Goals and Yearly Goals Update

1. Register for Heart for Africa 5k

    I didn't do this, honestly because I am afraid of the money at the moment. I thought about it, I had opportunity, but I am going to wait until I get paid.

2. Revamp my Resume

    Done. Done so hard and so well. I hope it works!

3. Read Hosea, Galatians, and the Psalms

    I got this done the day after I posted it. I felt so proud.

4. Write Yanci

    I did this on Tuesday. I am finding that the more I write to her, the easier it is to find things to talk about. It's also easier to talk about the baby and what he's doing. I just hope that she thinks that it is interesting.

5. Make $50 in commission
    This did not happen. Because I quit my job hard. In a rather unpleasant way that I don't think I should go into on the blog. But I'm excited to begin this new part of my life.

This week:

1. Complete my to do list on my phone

    I have a list that I add to whenever I think of something that I really need to get done. Most of them are long term items, but some are daily things that I take off and then add right back on the next morning. I would like to knock out all of the long term items so that I can stop feeling like there's a million huge projects hanging over my head.

2. Read 7 books

    I might pick tiny books to read, but I want to get some books on the board.

3. Take the cars to the shop

    Both of our vehicles have the check engine light on. They have for at least a month. It's making me nervous.

4. Get below 150

    At this point, if I thought it worked, I would just stop eating to get to 150. I know it doesn't actually work and is borderline disorder talk. I have only healthy food in my home right now (with the exception of some candy dishes- but I'm not a big candy eater). It's going to be green monsters, bananas, salads, and chicken breasts this week, along with trying to exercise every day.

5. Spend 20 concentrated hours in starting my new business

    I plan on trying to keep a timecard at least for a while to make sure that I'm not just enjoying time with my baby so much that I don't get to work on what I should be doing- making a living of some sort.

12 Goals for 2012 Update

1. Pay off half my student loan debt


2. Read 100 books

    (I think this is where I will concentrate the hardest during March)

3. Make the Monte Carlo last through 2012


4. Have a full time job in my area of expertise

    I was able to quit my full time job to work on this more extensively. I am not so cautiously optimistic.

5. Return to pre-baby weight

    3/19 lbs. lost
    Yeah, baby! It's about time!

6. Run 3 5ks

   I am on the couch to 5k program week 2 this week. I love to run, but finding the time to do so is becoming a real challenge!

7. Go on vacation

    I have a few things in the works. I am more concerned with paying off loans at the current time.

8. Read my Bible daily

    62/65 days
    Ugh. I hate that I've already missed some days here. I was so exhausted and just fell into bed without reading. The good news is that it's become so engrained in me that I realized immediately upon waking up what I had done. That is the real goal, when it's all said and done.

9. Have $10,000 in savings

    We have a little more this month than last month. I think that now that I don't have a full time job, we will probably pour more into savings than loans and then assess what we can put toward loans at the end of the year.

10. Keep up with my house

    It is a little dirtier this month than last month, but I have not yet felt overwhelmed. I'm going on a cleaning blitz sometime this month.

11. Write to Yanci once a month


12. Cook more

    I can't believe that I can confidently say that I am doing this, but I totally am. It's been great for our pocketbooks.