Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Goals and Updates

I had a full weekend of reading to try to catch up. Ideally, I would get back to only having to read one book every two or three days, but time is running so short that I'm not sure that will be attainable.

I know what anyone reading this must be thinking. It seems worthless to read 100 books if you're just going to skim over them. But what has been really useful through all of this is the fact that I have been introduced now to several great authors that I would not have read otherwise. And, of course, there will be the feeling of accomplishment when November 14 rolls around and I have read all the books on my list.

I am a little lot sad that my weekend is over and I don't seem to have another one cleared off for the kind of reading I did this weekend (I finished approximately 2.5 books a day), but because of this weekend, the minimum is now at 1.14 books per day. That is so attainable I could just cry. :)

This Week's Goals
  1. Read 10 books. The goal I really wanted to make was to get to the halfway point this week, but I am tired of setting goals that are just flat unattainable for me, even if they do sound really awesome. I think that 10 books is doable and is just about the minimum if I want to get this finished.
  2. Set a budget with my husband. We are both getting our paychecks this week and I cannot think of a better time for setting down some goals and guidelines for ourselves in the upcoming months.
  3. Complete my office. My office is the last thing to be unpacked from moving all the way back in May. This needs to be done, and now I've told the world about it, so I better get moving on it!
  4. Finish my baby blanket. Noah's little blanket is coming along really nicely, and I don't think it will take more than a couple of hours to finish it up. As soon as I can find my cord, pictures will be uploaded!
I hope I can complete all of this. It does seem like a lot, but I think with some spousal support, we should be able to knock out 2 and 3 pretty quickly. :)

What are your goals for this week? Do you tend to set your goals high, even to the point of being unattainable?
Days left: 56
Books to read: 64

Friday, September 16, 2011

Trimming Down the Book List

November 14 is D-Day.

I have the next three days completely off work and I can't imagine a better project to spend my time on than getting back into my reading groove. Admittedly, summer has been really difficult for me, starting with finding out I was pregnant and being attacked by the morning sickness and then I just could not bring myself to just sit and read for extended periods of time. I don't know if it was the weather or just being in a new house that was begging to be organized. But I think I'm back and I really really believe that I can actually finish this thing if I just log enough hours into it in this home stretch.

59 days left to read about 67 books. You know, I really think it might still be doable. Granted, it would have been a lot more fun to have set a steady pace for myself, but I'm still pretty proud. I've finished off a couple of books today already and I realized while looking at my list that I've started at least 3 of the books on there already.

I'm starting to look towards the future a little in terms of goals for after November 14th. I mean, after all, a blog has to have some sort of purpose, right? I think I may give myself the holidays off, but after peanut gets here, I am thinking I may start training for some marathons. Anyone want to be my marathon buddy?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A New Era

Wednesday I spent $240 at Wal Mart on groceries.

Before everyone thinks I am a crazy, our fridge was completely empty AND I have decided it's time to turn over a new leaf. I have been reading healthy living blogs for months (check out,, and These blogs have been fabulous inspiration for me and have started to make me realize the unhealthy way I have been running my kitchen. We eat out way way way too much and every single thing that we own is processed beyond reason. So our kitchen is undergoing a makeover.

Cassie at Back to Her Roots suggested arranging my fridge by food group. So that's what I did. Angela has started a movement with her green monsters (, so I mixed up my very first one this morning.
Not too sure about it...

It kind of looks like kryptonite.
And! I drank it!
Here we go

Down the hatch!
And I loved it! Nobody was more surprised or grossed out than my husband.

Courtney at Just Like Jello is a pretty avid runner. Guess what I'll be doing after this baby makes his grand appearance? Maybe we'll just go together. I don't suppose anybody wants to get me one of these: 
The days of unhealthy living and wondering why I can't loose weight? Gone. The days of feeling tired for no good reason? Also gone. This is a new leaf and I think it's going to stick.

PS Sorry for all of the terribly crappy pictures. I have a (cheap) camera, but I can't find the cord to upload pictures at the moment. So you're stuck with the pictures I take with my Macbook.